FAQs – Answers About Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic fields or EMFs are the new nuisances in our environment. They were once regarded as more fiction than fact. But, there is growing evidence that they are present with us, and are increasingly responsible for certain physiological conditions.
The World Health Organization has even classified electromagnetic waves as Class 2b carcinogens, meaning they may cause cancer.
This article answers some of your most essential questions about EM radiation and its influence on the human body.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize electrosensitivity?
Yes, the WHO recognizes electrosensitivity, and even classifies electromagnetic fields as Class 2b carcinogens, which means they may cause cancer.
What are the symptoms of electrosensitivity?
There is no definitive list of electrosensitivity symptoms. However, many sufferers report various physical indicators, such as fatigue, nausea, headaches, skin problems, panic attacks, confusion, and memory loss.
Can I self-diagnose electrosensitivity?
Yes, anyone can self-diagnose electrosensitivity and take necessary measures.
What is a simple test I can use to test if I’m electrosensitive?
That’s really easy. Take two short electrical wires. Connect them to the live and neutral prongs of an appliance plug. Plug the appliance in and then hold the other end of bare wires. Switch on. If you do not feel anything, you’re certified non-electrosensitive. If you do, you are undoubtedly electrosensitive, like the rest of us.
Is gender a factor in electrosensitivity?
Women are more electrosensitive than men. This fact is surprising since men tend to dominate professions that involve close proximity to EMF radiation. Research on why this is so is not conclusive. Still, it is thought that chromosomal differences or water proportions might be responsible.
Men may also be reporting their symptoms less frequently than women.
What are the most common culprits of electrosmog?
Mobile phone base stations (74 percent), mobile phones (36 percent), cordless phones (29 percent), and powerlines (27 percent).
What is the incidence of electrohypersensitivity?
Conservative estimates put the number of sufferers at between a few cases per million to up to 5 percent of the population. The accuracy of the figures depends on the location and definition of the condition.
Can you get sick by using smartphones all the time?
Yes. You can develop electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) from the frequent use of smartphones and other tech gadgets. The list includes laptops, tablets, television sets, and WiFi routers.
Is it possible to measure electromagnetic radiation?
Yes, it is possible to measure electromagnetic radiation by using an EMF meter. EMF meters are not always expensive, and some are even available as smartphone apps. But, not all EMF meters are reliable.
What types of EMF meters exist?
There are single-axis EMF meters and tri-axial (three axes) EMF meters.
Do wireless smart meters pose any electrosensitivity threat?
Wireless radiation exposure to smart meters can lead to symptoms such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears), headaches, fatigue, cognitive distortion, dizziness, and dysesthesia (abnormal sensations).
Can one prevent electrosensitivity by using wired devices only?
Yes. Wired connections mean a reduced reliance on radio frequencies to connect devices. The radiation is sent from the wire to the ground instead of through the air around you. Wired keyboard, mouse, speakers, or Ethernet cable.
What kinds of EMF exposure exist?
Two kinds of EMF exposure exist: Non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is also called low-level radiation while ionizing radiation is also called high-level radiation.
Low-level radiation is mild and appears to not be harmful to humans. Sources of low-level radiation include microwave ovens, cellphones, power lines, MRIs, and WiFi routers.
High-level radiation comes in the form of X-rays from medical imaging machines and UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun.
How does electrosensitivity (EHS) relate to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)?
Electrosensitivity or electrical sensitivity is similar to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). MCS is a disorder linked with low-level environmental exposure to chemicals.
If a person is electrically sensitive, there is a likelihood that they are Multiple Chemically Sensitive. The reverse is also true, as the two are highly commonly correlated.
The range of non-specific symptoms that characterize electrosensitivity and MCS lack a physiological or toxicological basis. The disorders also exhibit surprising non-specific symptoms that adversely affect people, shutting cells down, and eliminating communication among them.
Should I give up using the internet?
Absolutely not. We live in an interconnected world already. But, instead of accessing the internet via a WiFi router, you can use a wired connection or something similar.
Will a continued exposure to radiofrequency (RF) waves alter my behavior?
Behavioral symptoms have been reported in electrosensitivity. Such behaviors include irritability, mood swings, stress, and restlessness.
Will electrosensitivity also affect my teeth? I heard it can.
Yes, electrosensitivity can result in dental issues. Patients generally feel pain in their teeth and jaws.
What should physicians focus on treating electrosensitivity?
Treatment of a patient diagnosed with electrosensitivity should focus on the clinical picture and health symptoms. The focus should not be on the perception the individual has of reducing EMF exposure at work or in the home.
Electrosensitivity is an increasingly important issue in modern-day life. Equipment such as Faraday cages are more available and can help shield you from atmospheric man-made radiation.
This article has given the most plausible answers to your questions about electrosensitivity.